What should we do with Carling Avenue?

There’s a lot to love about Carling Avenue: easy access to the Central Experimental Farm, Dow’s Lake and Island Park Drive, a gigantic Canadian Tire…

April 12, 2024

DCA Architect’s support Schedule 1 of Bill 157: Empowering architectural technologists in Ontario

Good afternoon. Thank you for allowing me to present to this Committee and granting me a few minutes. As I indicated in my written submission,…

March 12, 2024

Climate change is everywhere

Climate change is everywhere, and architecture has a big part to play in making change. Awareness of the built environment, and its role in effecting…

May 8, 2019

OAA Annual General Meeting: Spring 2018

This is an abridged text of my (short) speech at the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) annual general meeting, held in Toronto May 2018. Those…

November 15, 2018

Create a better ByWard Market

Architects DCA, is on a mission – we want to bring Ottawa’s ByWard Market up to the standards of world-renowned destinations like Vancouver’s Granville Market,…

October 29, 2018

Good design matters

Speaking as a panelist at the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) Industry Environmental Scan on August 20th-21st at Ottawa’s Delta City Centre Hotel, Ontario Association of…

August 22, 2017